What is prostate cancer?

Prostate glandular organ about the size of walnuts, a real man. Prostate gland, usually about 3 cm in length and is located in the neck of the bladder and in front of the rectum
. Predstatelnaya gland produces fluid that forms part of semen.
You will be surprised to learn that Sichovih obstruction from prostatic hypertrophy has been described for centuries, beginning with the ancient Egyptians in the 15 th century BC. The word "prostate" comes from Greek prostat, which means "one who stands in front of or before, which in this case, means the front of the bladder.

What is benign prostatic hyperplasia or DHPZ?

Benign prostate hyperplasia (DHPZ) is a condition that affects the male reproductive system cancer. Predstatelnaya gland increases in size, although it may cause problems until the end of life. It is estimated that about 90% of men in the age group 70-85 years of BPH. This is one of the most common problems faced by men during old age.

As the name implies, is hyperplasia or excessive growth of prostate tissue. This leads to enlargement of the prostate. Now, as the prostate surrounds the urethra. Thus, any expansion will certainly cause narrowing of the urethra. Thus, in BPH, urine flow also decreased, making it increasingly difficult to empty the bladder. Similar symptoms may also be present when human prostate cancer. Therefore it is very important for the doctor thoroughly eliminated the last possibility. To learn more about prostate cancer, click here.

What are the reasons?

DHPZ centuries was associated with adult men. DHPZ reason is not well understood. There have been various theories put forward by the same. One assumes that people make two hormones estrogen in their lives (few) and testosterone (high). As aging occurs, the amount of testosterone is reduced, resulting in a significant proportion of estrogen. Studies on animals suggested that DHPZ may arise from more estrogen increases the activity of substances that promote cell growth. Another theory claims that DHPZ is a lack of DHT, a substance which is derived from testosterone. DHT helps in controlling the growth of prostate cancer. But because of aging, most animals lose their ability to produce DHT, which can cause BPH.

What are the symptoms?

A person who has DGP may be bessymptomnoy for quite some time. Infact, he may just learn about it during clinical examination. Sometimes a person may suddenly start urinating, having problems. Thus, it is advised to seek regular health
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problems with urination, such as:

* Incomplete emptying of the bladder
* Difficulty in starting to pass urine,
* Weak stream
* Do I need to strain to pass urine,
* You must pass urine immediately,
* Urgency and diversion or doing
* Feeling the burning or pain when urinating.
* Frequent urinary tract infections, as incomplete urination leads to stagnation of bacteria in the bladder

In the case of prostate cancer has increased, there may be serious problems, blocking urine. Delay in urinating, urine is not coming from the bladder, leading to accumulation of bacteria and stretching of the bladder. Left untreated, this leads to a decrease in renal function and pyelonephrosis (obstructive uropatiya). Moreover, due to the accumulation of urine in the bladder, it can lead to the formation of stones. This bladder stones, and urine --

inability to control urination may be present. This ultimately can lead to bladder and kidneys, so it is very important for diagnosis DHPZ at an early stage to ensure that this does not lead to complications.

How to diagnose?

The patient may report or for any doctor can diagnose the problem during routine testing. When suspected BPH, you will be attending urologist. Urologist can do any or all of the following test for determining the expansion:

Paltseva study rectal (DRE)
This study is usually the first test done. In addition, the doctor inserts a finger into your rectum and try to touch gland. He gets a general idea of the size and density of cancer.

Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) Blood Test
This test measures the level of PSA in the blood. PSA, a protein produced by prostate cells. PSA level is high among men who have prostate cancer. So this test combined with another test to exclude prostate cancer.


If the urologist suspects prostate cancer, he can counsel for biopsy. This involves removal of cells or tissues so they can be seen under the microscope pathologist. Pathologist will examine the biopsy samples for cancer cells and determine the scale Hlison. On a scale Hlison bands 2.10 and describes the probability that a tumor will grow. The smaller the number, the less likelihood of tumor spread. There are 2 types of biopsy procedures used for diagnosis of prostate cancer:

* Transrektalnoho biopsy: removal of prostate tissue by inserting a thin needle through the rectum and prostate. This procedure is usually performed using ultrasound transrektalnoho to help find the needle. Autopsist thoughts tissue under a microscope to look for the presence of cancer cells.

* Transperineal biopsy: removal of prostate tissue by inserting a thin needle through the skin between the scrotum and rectum and prostate gland. Autopsist thoughts tissue under a microscope to look for the presence of cancer cells.

Transrektalne ultrasound

If there is suspicion of prostate cancer, your doctor may recommend a test with rectal ultrasound. In this procedure, the sensor is inserted in the rectum. Probe is used to bounce high-energy sound waves (ultrasound) of internal tissues and organs, and make the echo. Echo picture form tissues called sonogram. To identify abnormal areas really promising tumor, the doctor may use a probe and ultrasound images to guide needle biopsy for suspected tumor.

Urine flow study

Your doctor may ask you to piss in a special device that measures how quickly urine is flowing. Reducing the flow often suggests BPH.


In tsystoskopiya, a small tube (called cystoscopy) is introduced through the urethral opening in the penis. Cystocope includes lens and lighting system that helps the doctor to see inside of the urethra and bladder. This test allows the doctor to determine the size of cancer and determine the location and degree of obstruction.
Other tests

Some other blood tests may be recommended (to include renal function tests and tests for diabetes). Both these problems can also cause urinary symptoms. Abdominal ultrasound may be necessary to check the bladder stones.

What are the treatment options?

One very interesting fact is that early therapy is useful for urinary obstruction was increased prostate catheter, which was first used by the Romans Celsius and Galen in the first century of our era! They did a catheter made of wood, leaves, rubber, etc.

Today, progress in medical science has provided many new ways to treat cases of DGP. Men dealing with this problem usually requires some treatment for some time. If a person presents with mild and asymptomatic in DHPZ, the doctor can carefully monitor the patient and provide treatment only if symptoms worsen. But if a man comes with symptomatic picture DHPZ there are two ways to treat it. These include:

More information on benign prostatic hyperplasia treatment, kindly visit:
Source: aasthahealthcare
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