The examinations are made with disinfected hands, preferably gloved. The external genitalia are examined first to determine their condition and degree of development; this is followed by examination of the hairy parts (if public lice are discovered, the hair on the external genitalia is shaved and the latter are thoroughly washed with mercury bichloride solution or a sabadilla tincture). To examined the urethral opening and vaginal entrance, the labia are parted with fingers of the left hand and the external urethral opening is carefully examined special attention being paid to the colour of its mucosa and the presence or absence of redness in the opening of the glands in the canal (red points on the sides of the canal). The openings of the ducts of bartholin’s glands are examined and, if the latter are infected, red points are observed at these sites. The perineum is examined, to ascertain if any lacerations were sustained during former childbirth, and the anus to see if the patient has hemorrhoids, condylomas and pinworms ( Enterobius vermicularis).
This is followed by a vaginal , so called bimanual examination. One or two fingers (the index and middle fingers) of the right hand are introduced into the vagina and the palm of the left hand is placed on the abdomen above the mons veneris, thus determining the condition of the vaginal walls, depth of the fornices, presence or absence of protrusions in them, shape, size and condition of the cervix uteri (conical, cylindrical, lacerations, smooth or rough surface), position, sahep and size of the uterus.
Source A.Kaplan