How Will You Be Able to Find the Right Fertility Doctor?
You and your husband have been trying to have a baby for some time now. You feel that it really is the best time in your lives to do so. You've recently moved into a nice new house with a yard that's just calling out for the sound of children's laughter. Unfortunately, however, you haven't yet been able to conceive.
You are starting to get worried, and as such you're starting to think about finding a fertility doctor. Whoever it is that you choose to be your fertility doctor has to be good. You don't want what happened to your sister happening to you too. She also had trouble conceiving, and the fertility doctor she chose prescribed her medication that just made the problem worse.
So, what you need to do is research all of the fertility doctors in your area, and figure out which one will fit with your needs. Whoever you choose, it should be a doctor who specializes in fertility. Some gynecological doctors have an interest in fertility as well, but a doctor who specializes will be the most well-versed in a wide range of case studies, which will help to determine the best plan of action for your situation.
It goes without saying, but it's extremely important to find a doctor that's certified in fertility medicine.
The certification procedures are stringent, and a doctor who is certified will be that much more trustworthy. You won't find a doctor overnight; it will take time and research, but the results will be well worth it!
Why Do Men Shun Away from Doctors?
Traditional Role: One reason why men do not attend the doctor is because it has been the traditional role of women to bring the children to the doctor and to look after the health of the children", he acknowledges. "That connection between mother and child could exclude men from familiarity with the surgery". Stoicism: Male traits like aggression, stoicism, competitiveness and emotional reticence as barriers that prevent men from looking after their health properly. Men's rigidly stoical stance contributes to some physical and mental disorders that are disproportionately experienced by men
Source: Beth Ortiz 

Why Do Men Shun Away from Doctors?
Men are disreputably cagey about attending the doctor's surgery compared to women.
Traditional Role: One reason why men do not attend the doctor is because it has been the traditional role of women to bring the children to the doctor and to look after the health of the children", he acknowledges. "That connection between mother and child could exclude men from familiarity with the surgery". Stoicism: Male traits like aggression, stoicism, competitiveness and emotional reticence as barriers that prevent men from looking after their health properly. Men's rigidly stoical stance contributes to some physical and mental disorders that are disproportionately experienced by men
Men, on the other hand, are more apprehensive. The lack of familiarity with their doctor is also a factor that puts off men attendance in the clinic.
Pain threshold: One reason why men and women respond to doctors so differently might lie in their varying responses to pain itself. Men and women clearly experience different pain thresholds and this influence both how they deal with pain and how they respond to treatment.
Less Attention: Generally the clinics and hospitals are pretty women-oriented. There seem to be metabolic differences between how men and women deal with these drugs.
Source Chris Read