Is Your Cosmetic Surgeon Certified by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons?
Recent events and ongoing horror-stories about the risks of plastic surgery remind us that it is important to make sure our surgeon is certified to practice by the American Board of Plastic Surgery (ABPS) of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS). · General surgery

· Alimentary tract surgery

· Abdominal surgery

· Breast surgery

· Head and neck surgery

· Vascular surgery

· Endocrine surgery

· Surgical oncology

· Trauma

· Critical care

· Pediatric surgery

· Transplantation
· Gynecology

· Neurologic surgery

· Ophthalmology

· Orthopedic surgery

· Urology

· Anesthesia

· Burns

· Surgical pathology

· Surgical dermatology

· Oral and maxillofacial surgery

· Cardiothoracic surgery

The program must be completed before the candidate can begin training for plastic surgery.
Additional Training
A doctor who has received a degree with at least three years of progressively-increasing responsibility in surgery, now must take two years of plastic surgery training. The candidate's training emphasizes the relationship of basic science (including anatomy, pathology, physiology, biochemistry, and microbiology) to applied surgical principles. Having completed both the general surgery residency program and the plastic surgery residency program, the doctor is now eligible for consideration for certification. Prior to the oral examination, a candidate must assemble a case list of all procedures performed during a single seven-month period, including all patients hospitalized by the candidate as admitting physician, even if no operative care was performed and all emergency room patients who were treated operatively. The board reviews the cases to determine if the candidate is even eligible to take the oral exam.
A candidate will be certified if and only if he or she passes all phases of training and examination.
Source: Patricia Woloch

The Fundamental Principles of Reproductive Medicine

Dating back to ancient times, reproductive medicine already existed. What is reproductive medicine? Reproductive medicine is set on the knowledge of reproductive anatomy, physiology, and endocrinology with particular facet of biochemistry, pathology, and molecular biological science at play. One point or another, this medical subject tends to overlap or partly cover the issues of gynecology, OB, GU medicine, urology, medical endocrinology, pediatric endocrinology, genetic sciences, and psychopathology also as other medical branches.
Reproductive medicine covers the troubles of sterility, sexual dysfunction, and STD in addition to sexual instruction, pubescence, right family preparation, birth prevention and contraception.
Source: Alberto Maeses

Productive Differences - Engineer Versus Medical Specialist

In what way are engineers similarly productive to medical specialists? The field of the engineer is in design, repair and development of systems and products. Medical specialists are organized in similar bodies, with one difference: the medical specialist must maintain its skills and this is prominent in the body: "maintenance of certification" (2). "The universe of" engineering is related to science, technology, and innovation. The medical universe is similarly built-up: science, technology and innovation. In medical technology the engineer will collaborate with the specialist in sharing knowledge.
There are specialists for different field - similar to engineering. But would knowledge and process to apply not equally match for the medical specialist too: knowledge in the domain (oncology, gynecology, surgery, etc) and the process of repair (cure) a body (patient).

Medical technology is also related to engineering. The Surgery robots for example use technology to perform surgery. Innovation is not limited to the field of the engineer. Also the medical specialist is innovative. Very important are also the two main components of engineering: engineering knowledge, the "know what", and engineering process, the "know how".
Engineering Knowledge - is the growing body of facts, experience and skills in science, engineering and technology disciplines; coupled to an understanding of the fields of application.
Medical specialists however are more than engineers directly involved in client contact. The engineer works for a sponsor who wants to solve an issue. The medical specialist works directly for the client who is also the patient. Teamwork is also for both the engineer and specialist a recurring challenge.
Source: Hans Bool Platinum Quality Author

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