The median Obstetrician Salary and Gynecologist Salary is calculated by the US Government Bureau of Labor Statistics from a variety of sources. Obstetrician and Gynecologist Doctors work in a number of settings including hospitals, clinics and schools. The salaries of a Obstetrician and Gynecologist Doctor varies depending on the location and the setting. OB Gynecologist Salary: Median Hourly & Annual Data


The average Obstetrician Salary and Gynecologist Salary is $98.31 per hour.  Annually

On an annual basis the median Obstetrician Salary and Gynecologist Salary is $204,000. The lowest 10% earn $99,520 per year while the upper 10% earn more than $350,000 per year.  Lowest and Highest OB GYN Salary

The lowest paid Obstetrician and Gynecologist Doctors earn less than $100,000 annually while the highest paid Obstetrician and Gynecologist Doctor earn as much as $400,000 per year.

Top 5 States
The best paying states for the Obstetrician Salary and Gynecologist Salary are Wisconsin, Iowa, South Dakota, Idaho and Alabama.  

The best city or metropolitan areas to earn a Obstetrician Salary and Gynecologist Salary are Barnstable Town, MA, Virginia Beach-Norfolk-Newport News, VA-NC.

Other Industries that Employ Obstetricians and Gynecologists

The majority of all OBGYN doctors work in private practice.  Employment Data

The majority of all OBGYN doctors work in physicians offices. A small number work directly for hospitals.  Private Practice vs. Employment


To see what a typical benefits package is worth  A typical employment benefits package is worth over $20,000 per year.

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