Is Robot Assisted Surgery Better?
Surgical robots have today made remote, minimally invasive, and unmanned surgeries possible. Aside from these advantages of robot-assisted surgeries, the following examples of their superiority are worth mentioning.
Scientists at the University of Texas Health Science Center, recently conducted a study comparing the conventional laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass and a robot assisted operation, and found that while none of the robot assisted surgery group suffered a gastrointestinal leak, some patients from the conventional laparoscopy group did.
All in all, robots with surgical instruments in their hands have a lot to offer to the field of surgery, and that robot-assisted surgery is indeed better in many cases.
Source: Freddic Clay

Gynecologists - Some Great Tips to Choose a Good One

Here are the top ten tips to help choose this important medical practitioner.
Specialties: Gynecologists often have specialties such as infertility, oncology, or obstetrics. If you are having problems getting pregnant, you'll want a physician who has extensive knowledge in infertility. If you're planning to become pregnant, you'll want a doctor who includes obstetrics in their practice.
Philosophy: If you are interested in alternative health remedies and natural care whenever possible, you'll want to make sure that your prospective doctor shares your philosophies. An initial consultation would be a great time to discuss this.
Gender: Some women prefer a female doctor while others feel more comfortable with a male. Availability: Many gynecologists have filled their practices and are no longer accepting new patients. Office Staff: When you call a physician's office, you get a good indication, by your first impression, of how the place is run. Is the receptionist helpful and patient? Happy office staff often reflect a well run office.
By Andrew Stratton

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